Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Superhero short: unspillable cup of water

He knew something was different when he could no longer spill things.  He turned a cup of water upside down, and the mere nervousness of it spilling and making a mess would cause the water to stay inside--as though he hadn't turned the cup over at all.

It would stay...as long as he focused on it--even peripheral focus was enough.  Which was hard to stop doing, if he wanted it to spill.

It started to annoy him when squirt guns stopped working against him.

Today, he'd realized real guns didn't work against him either.

He wasn't the sort to become a hero.  He'd always admired the villains.  Not because they were evil, but they just seemed so fascinating.

Too fascinating.  Too far out of reach.

That which he didn't understand, he would try to emulate.  Just to understand it.

What, he thought, would a villain do with such powers?  He couldn't just imagine it.  He needed to live it.  Otherwise, where was the real understanding?  It was just imagining.  Never mind comic books.  This was dirty, messy real life.

Which meant he would have to be far more careful than any sort of fictional hero or villain might be.   And he knew, even now, he'd make mistakes.

But who would believe he had superpowers?

Someone would.  If he had such abilities, certainly there were others who would, too.

In this, he was wrong.  He was unique.  But he still seeks to find others like himself.

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